Fleece (Natural Soap)

Natural Soap
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Ras – Vaidyashala’s Fleece soap is 100% natural, safe and cruelty-free. No artificial preservatives, noxious chemicals are used in its preparation. It has a very light and mild fragrance, which makes it great for people having migraine headaches and sinusitis. It is prepared from natural Himalayan herbs and glycerine (SDS/SLES free).

Characteristics of Fleece natural soap are as follows –

  • Cruelty-free
  • Moisturizing property
  • Natural cleanser
  • Scented Fleece soap can even provide aromatherapy
  • Gentle on skin
  • No irritation
  • Anti-bacterial
  • Anti-fungal
  • Anti-dandruff
  • Earth friendly
  • Rich in antioxidants
  • No artificial preservatives

The technology is provided by CSIR – Institute of Himalayan bioresource technology (IHBT) , Palampur.

Ingredients used in the Fleece natural soap and their benefits –

  1. Amleech. It boosts collagen production, alleviate skin dryness, deeply moisturizes your skin, protects the skin from harmful UV rays, heal burns and frostbite, promotes elasticity of the skin.
  1. Reetha. It has excellent cleansing properties, natural conditioning properties that helps to get rid of extremely dry skin, skin lightening properties, cures skin diseases like eczema and psoriasis, treats acne and blackheads.
  1. Haldi oil. It helps to get rid of stubborn blemishes and acne scars, reduces fine lines and wrinkles, anti-fungal and antiseptic , helps to achieve glowing and radiant skin naturally.
  1. Aloe Vera. It’s a great natural cleanser and exfoliator, moisturizes the skin, treats acne and diminishes acne scars, relieves skin irritation and also soothes sunburns, alleviate dry and flaky skin and has anti-inflammatory  properties.
  1. Coconut oil. It hydrates the skin, loaded with antioxidants, protect skin from harmful UV rays, relieve psoriasis.
  1. Green tea extract. It helps to reduce inflammation, moisturizes the skin, treats acne and unclog the pores, anti-bacterial properties.
  1. Glycerine base. It relieves dryness and flaky skin, softens skin and it also acts as a humectant.
  1. SDS/SLES free soap base

Additional information

Weight 0.476 kg
Dimensions 12 × 16 × 12 cm

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