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Jobner, jaipur, Rajasthan
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Herbs - Seeds, Fruits, Leaves, Flowers, Stems, Roots, Barks, Rhizomes
Herbal Extracts
Essential Oil

Signature Products

Truely Researched Products by
वैज्ञानिक तथा औधोगिक अनुसंधान परिषद
सी. एस. आई. आर.-हिमालय जैवसंपदा प्रोधोगिकी संस्थान, पालमपुर-हिमाचल प्रदेश (भारत)

Extensive Research & Dedicated work have Produced Fleece

Eco Firendly & 100% Natural oil for Any Age

Fleece natural hair oil is eco-friendly, better and gentle on skin and 100% natural. This oil is free from toxic chemicals and mineral oil. This oil is packed with nutrients such as vitamin E and omega fatty acid.It is manufactured by utilizing traditional method and free from noxious chemicals.

Special About it
• Prevent Dandruff
• Anti Hair fall
• Anti-bacterial and Anti – fungal oil
• Skin & Hair Care
Completely Free From
• Toxic chemicals
• Mineral oil
• Artificial Preservatives
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Natural Himalayan herbs and Glycerine based 100% Natural Soap

Fleece Natural Soap has a very light and mild fragrance, which makes it great for people having migraine headaches and sinusitis.

Special About It
• SDS/SLES free
• Safe and cruelty-free
• Have Mild fragrance
• No irritation
• Anti-bacterial
• Anti-fungal
• Anti-dandruff
• Earth friendly
• Rich in antioxidants
Completely Free From
• Artificial preservatives
• Toxic Chemicals
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Immunity Modulator 100% Natural Syrup

Naturima Plus syrup is a potent immunity modulator. It significantly strengthens weak immune system and also helps to control overactive immune systems. It stimulates the immune system and may help the body to fight many diseases. It is prepared from natural herbs, 100% natural and safe for human consumption. It is packed with nutrients and free from noxious chemicals.

Special About It
• Immunity Modulator
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••• Ras Vaidyashala ••• the essence of ayurveda

Our Product History
Ras Vaidyashala is mainly an ayurvedic brand, promising to deliver authentic Ayurvedic treatments and services across the country. Ras Vaidyashala believes in holistic concept of Ayurveda among the health-conscious society with international standards. We are committed to maintain the sanctity, integrity and efficacy of the products used. All products that we manufacture has been researched, tested and developed. Ras Vaidyashala has various business propositions and is known for extending support and joining hands with dynamic strategic-foresighted entrepreneurs across the globe.
Why only Ras – Vaidyashala
“Ras – Vaidyashala” is established in November 2020 , aiming to offer cruelty-free, earth-friendly, natural products. Our products are free from harmful chemicals, artificial preservatives and are 100% natural. They have launched a variety of products and some of them are, Naturima, Urogardia, Fleece Natural hair oil, Vanslochan, Isabgol, Olive oil and Fleece Natural soap based on the deep research from the prestigious and well-established organization named, CSIR-IHBT, Palampur. These products can drastically benefits your health in numerous ways and offer you a healthy lifestyle.

Ras Vaidyashala Products are Cruelty-Free Natural products No Harmful Chemicals No Artificial Preservatives Deep Researched Products No Toxic Chemicals Paraben Free Products Organically Farmed Herbs

Natural products
Natural products
Ras – Vaidyashala’s products are only made from natural Himalayan herbs and are totally free from toxins.
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Our products are absolutely cruelty – free, which means it has been prepared without being tested on animals.
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No Harmful Chemicals
No Harmful Chemicals
Our products are free from noxious chemicals, which makes it most desirable, incomparable and unique.
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No Artificial Preservatives
No Artificial Preservatives
We use natural preservatives in our products instead of artificial preservatives that won’t harm the body for long run.
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Deep Researched Products
Deep Researched Products
Ras – Vaidyashala’s products are deeply researched, tested and scientifically approved by the researchers and scientists of CSIR-IHBT-Palampur (H.P)
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Organically Farmed Herbs
Organically Farmed Herbs
Herbs utilized in the preparation of products are organically farmed and produced.
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Our Mission & Vision

Ras Vaidyashala

the essence of ayurveda

Our Vision

Our sole aim is to fetch Wellness and ecstasy in everyone’s life via Ayurveda based on science.

Our Mission

Our holistic approach that, focuses on the healing & nourishment of entire body, made from Himalayan herbs, scientifically tested and formulated by trustworthy lives.


The Journey of Ras Vaidyashala.


Launched our First two Products in the Market.

260+ Client Base


Patent Our with CSIR-IHBT

End 2020

End 2021

Launched Fleece, Naturima & Urogardia product Series

Wide Range of Product Series are available

Crafted by Long Research & Dedication of Our Team.

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Rated 4.9 of 5

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Behind Ras Vaidyashala

Expert leaders behind Ras Vaidyashala

We are driven by the vision of providing holistic healthcare and total wellness through Ayurveda where the services will soothe the body, mind and soul.


Dr. Deepak Bhandari


Dr. Deepak Bhandari is behind the thought to found the firm and has excellent track record of practicing Ayurveda as treatment therapy at large scale throughout the country.

Managing Director

Mr. Subhash Chandra Naga

Concept Designer

Mr. Subhash is an architect for the idea before foundation of this firm and has vast experience in pharmacy.

IT & Designing Specialist

Mr. Mahesh Kumar Kumawat

Branding, Packaging, UI UX Designer & IT Manager

Mr. Mahesh is a super creative man for managing the Designing, Packaging & IT part for the entire product range.

Connect with Us

Jobner, Jaipur, Rajasthan
+91 9672 999 445

Frequently Asked Questions

We are here to resolve all your queries & let us know for any help.

Ras – Vaidyashala’s products are 100% natural and safe because, it is made from only natural Himalayan herbs. No harmful & toxic chemicals, artificial preservatives, parabens are used while making it. We use natural preservatives to extend the shelf life of our products. Ingredients used in the preparation of these products are farmed organically.

CSIR – Institute of Himalayan bioresource technology (IHBT) is a laboratory situated in Palampur, Himachal Pradesh. CSIR-IHBT passionately contributes in the development of environment and society in sustainable manner. Ras – Vaidyashala’s products are prepared, tested and scientifically approved by this prestigious institute.

Ras – Vaidyashala’s products are packed with the goodness of natural herbs and nutrients, which makes it very beneficial for the overall body & mind. Out of all the brands available in the market, our products meets the highest purity test, as it is made from 100% natural ingredients.

No, there is no return policy is available for Ras – Vaidyashala’s products. Our product is trustworthy because, it is scientifically tested and approved from the prestigious laboratory CSIR-IHBT, Palampur. Effect on each individual can differ, that’s why we don’t provide any return policy for our products.

Fleece natural soap is free from SDS/SLEs. Due to the presence of glycerin in soap base, it looks transparent. It is only prepared from natural herbs such as, Reetha, Aloe Vera, haldi oil and many more natural ingredients by using conventional method.

Yes, Urogardia can remove stones from different parts of the body including, kidney, gallbladder, prostate of size up to 7mm very easily. It contains natural herbs such as sunthi, gokshura, varuna tavaka and many more, which helps in eliminating the stones from the body by crushing it.

Fleece natural hair oil is prepared from natural oils such as olive oil, sesame oil, fenugreek coconut oil, cedar oil and many more by utilizing traditional method. Hair oils available in the market contains 70-80% of mineral oil, which isn’t considered good for the health of the scalp but, fleece natural hair oil is 100% natural and free from mineral oil.

Naturima syrup is highly recommended for the balancing of Vata, Pitta and Kapha Doshas in the body. It also cures and prevents skin diseases, as it heals gut.

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