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Urogardia is a medicine , prepared from only natural herbs such as sunthi and Gokhsuru using conventional methods. The main function of Urogardia is to remove and eliminate stones from the kidneys, gallbladder and from other parts of the body. It can eliminate stones of size up to 7mm very easily. It may seems impossible to remove stones from kidneys and gallbladder with an Ayurvedic medicine without any operation, but its happening with the help of Urogardia. It also treats the other problems like Urinary tract infections and many other fungal infections.

The ingredients used and their health benefits

  • Varuna Tavaka (Crataeva nurvala)Pacifies KAPHA and VATA, promotes PITTA, useful in abdominal tumours,  relieves constipation and bloating, eliminates kidney stones, promotes digestion strength, useful in urinary disorders and diabetes, used in the treatment of liver, spleen diseases and bladder stones.
  • Pasanabheda (Bergenia ligulata) Used in the treatment of ulcers, urinary tract disorders, abdominal tumours, useful in liver and spleen related disorders, helps in cleaning urinary bladder, helps in the elimination of stones due to its diuretic activity and also promotes urine production.
  • Sunthi (Zingiber officinale) It stimulates appetite, reduces the pain during menstruation, relieves constipation, cures influenza and whooping cough, makes gut healthy, stimulates blood circulation and helps in detoxification, treats nausea, vomiting and also motion sickness.
  • Gokshura (Tribulus Terrestris) It promotes digestion and also prevent gas formation, improves heart health, increases urine secretion, useful in anti – obesity treatment, used in the treatment of poly cystic ovarian disease, helps in treatment of kidney stones and alleviate pain.

This medicine is 100% natural. It is very Usefull in Crf-Akf, Dysuria,
Cystitis, Non-Specific Uti 


I was suffering from kidney stone problem , then a relative of mine told me about this medicine. At first I did not believe that how can I get rid of stone with any medicine without any operation, but after consuming it for few weeks, I got rid of my kidney stone. All thanks to Urogardia.

Dinesh lal, U.P

I was diagnosed with kidney stone of size 2 mm , I was very scared of operation and thought to try this medicine out. After 15 to 20 days of consuming Urogardia, I got rid of my kidney stone. I was really happy and astonished by its result. All thanks to Urogardia and its makers.

Damanjeet, Punjab

I was about to undergo an operation then, my daughter advised me to take this medicine “Urogardia”. I got rid of gallbladder stone only after a few weeks of consuming it.

Renuka devi, Bihar

I had a lot of pain in my lower abdomen for a few days. I showed it to the gynaecologist, from which I came to know that, I have a stone in the prostate. I was very scared and sad, that's when my husband advised to consume Urogardia. I was completely fine after using it for few days.

Shradhha, Goa

I was suffering from polycystic ovarian disease from past few months. A friend of mine suggested me about “Urogardia”. I started consuming it and it helped me a lot to get rid of PCOD.

Minakshi, Delhi

I was diagnosed with gallbladder stone of size 4 mm, I was about to undergo an operation but my friend suggested me this medicine that helps to get rid of stone. I could not believe that the stone would be removed with the use of this medicine. I got rid of my gallbladder stone after consuming Urogardia for 15 to 25 days.

Umesh, Manipur

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